
At Enduring, we say what we do and do what we say. We are committed to transparent communication and building strong relationships.

While most of our operations take place in rural parts of Colorado and New Mexico, we work hard to build and maintain good relationships with the landowners in the area and make a positive impact on their communities. We take pride in being a good neighbor working with local organizations to understand the needs of those that live around our operations and how we can give back.

Enduring’s Net Zero Freshwater Methodology

Enduring has developed a net zero freshwater methodology that virtually eliminates fresh and potable water demands for completions. Our reliance on freshwater has been reduced to only 2% of the total water used to drill and complete a well. To achieve this, we have invested in significant infrastructure to source and transport water throughout our development areas.

Enduring Resources continues to make a strategic investment in its large-scale water system that aimed to completely change the completion methodology for our wells, departing from the conventional method used in the San Juan Basin. Instead, Enduring adopted a “slickwater” (friction reducing formula) completion methodology that utilizes non-potable water and eliminates the need for fresh water in its completions. The water used is either recycled produced water or non-potable groundwater sourced from the Entrada formation disposal zone. In addition, we acquired an offsetting water right to compensate for a potential, calculated impact to groundwater from the use of non­potable Entrada water. The objective is a near net zero freshwater completions process.

Water icon

of the total water used 
to drill and complete 
a well is freshwater